GoPlay! Perks

As a GoPlayer (or GoPlay Parent!), you unlock exclusive deals at a variety of local organizations around Calgary. Our GoPlay! Perks program is diverse, and you can cash in on deals as soon as you register your kiddo for their first program or event. The best part? Once your kiddo plays with us even just one time, they're considered a "member" for life, and can cash in on these deals 365/24/7 - even if they're not playing in the current season!

Your Exclusive Deals

Accessing your Perks is easy! Keep scrolling to view all our GoPlay! Partners and your exclusive Perks at their location. When you're ready to use them, simply log into your GoPlay! account and grab your Membership Card from Homebase. Show this at checkout to claim your discount.


Click 'Learn More' for perks on Personal Training and Gym Memberships

Papa Johns

Use the code GOPLAY to get 20% off your online order.

Use the code PLAYERPERKS to get 10% off your custom order.

Tuxedo Source for Sports

Get 10% off your bill when you show your GoPlay! Membership Card at checkout.

Boston Pizza

Show your GoPlay! membership to receive 10% off regular priced menus items at select Boston Pizza locations.