Absence Program and Makeup Classes

If there's one thing we know, it's that being a parent can be chaotic. Your schedule is always changing and once your child hits daycare or school, they start jumping from one cold to the other. If you're really lucky and have multiple children, one always seems to get sick riiiight as the first one starts to feel better. We. Get. It. That's why we're determined to be as flexible for our parents as possible, which includes giving you the ability to mark your kiddo as 'absent' whenever needed (and for any reason!) and then makeup the class when it works best for you.



If your kiddo is unable to make a class in their registered session for any reason, simply login to Homebase and mark them as absent on the schedule.

If you already know your kiddo will be away for a class during the session, you can start marking absences 2-weeks prior to the session start date. Once the session starts, you can mark absences at any time, right up until one hour before the class start time.

We really do encourage you to mark absences any time you need! Why? Makeup Classes will not be added manually after the class if your child isn't present - you must mark them as absent at least one hour before the class starts in order to have a 'makeup' added to your account. Plus, it opens up a spot for another kiddo who may be trying to use their own makeup!


When you're ready, go back to your Homebase to book your kiddo in for a makeup class! You can do this in any season that your child is registered in and you have from two weeks right up until one hour before the class start time to book your kiddo in. You'll see openings scattered throughout our session offerings on the main registration page for sports that still have some open capacity that season, or from people who marked their own child absent from a class.

Makeup Classes will live in your account until you're ready to use them. Even if your kiddo takes a season or two off, they will wait until you are ready and registered. They only expire once your kiddo turns 18 years old and can no longer participate in our GoPlay! offerings!

They can be used for any sport, on any night, so long as it fits your kiddo's age category. This means you can use a makeup for the same sport they're registered in, try out a new sport, or even use it for one of our drop-in programs.

The Fine Print

  • Makeup classes have no monetary value.

  • Makeup classes are non-transferrable - you cannot transfer a makeup from one kiddo to the other if you have two (or more) children playing with us.

  • Your kiddo does need to be registered and playing in the current season in order to use a makeup - if they are not registered, you can hang on to your makeup classes and wait until their next session of play OR pay a small fee to be a 'Part-Time Player' and use makeup classes outside of a current registration.

  • Makeup classes apply to the kiddos only - if you are registered in a Parents Stay & Play program, you can still mark your child as absent and you will get a makeup class added to the account for your kiddo, but if you miss the parents portion of the program., we cannot facilitate makeups!